The Modular Sub System (MSS) Overview
The Modular Sub System (MSS) Overview I have a detailed video overview of this system on my YouTube channel. Feel free to take a look...

Choosing Your Watertight Cylinder
You've got the model, but now you need to power it! But where to start? There are a lot of choices out there... different manufacturers,...

How to Choose Your Submarine Kit
So... you've decided the world of RC submarines is the one for you, did you? And why not... it's unique, the boats are exciting to look...

RC Submarine Electronic Modules Explained
I've said it before and I'll keep saying it... RC subs are hard. One aspect that can be daunting is the myriad of various electronic...

How to be Captain Nemo in Five Easy Steps...
Okay, maybe not five. Maybe not twenty-five. It could be closer to a hundred and five, but the big thing is that the steps are easy and...

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'...
How to stop your RC submarine from rolling when under throttle.

Bob's Tip #2: Bringing Out the Details
It's one of the most disappointing occurrences when modeling. You spend hours and hours detailing a model to the nth degree, adding...

Bob's TIP#1: Baking Soda and CA Glue
This is what I hope to be the first in a series of tips and tricks from my workbench. I thought it would be kind of a cool idea to share...

Let's talk SOUND!
It was my big OTW Type VII project where I first played around with the addition of sound to a working RC submarine. The module that I...

Three Simple Rules For A Perfectly Trimmed Sub
Building a model submarine is not a project for the faint of heart, the impatient, or the untalented. There is a reason that you don't...